Amy Hanaiali'i - Hawaiian Tradition



Hawaiian Tradition proved to be Amy & Willie's instant hit album and the public immediately embraced both their musical talent and incredible stage presence. As a new "group" they became an overnight success story.

1. Hale`iwa Hula
2. I Ka 'Aina Kaulana
3. Pohai Kealoha
4. Hale Ali`O Waimaka
5. Ho`i I Ka Punana
6. I Ali`i No `Oe
7. Na Manu O Kalani Nui
8. Ua Noho Wau I Neia Wahi Kaulana
9. Lehua`ula
10. Pili Mai No I Ka Ihu
11. Hanaiali`i Nui La Ea
12. Kaulana Wailua A`o Moloka`i
13. Kihawahine

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